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Tech interview questions to ask talents

25 Best Tech Interview Questions You Can Ask Technical Talent

In this article, we’ll provide 25 of the best tech interview questions you can ask candidates to gauge their skills and fit for your team.

25 Best Tech Interview Questions You Can Ask Technical Talent


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If you need to evaluate candidates’ knowledge and skills for a technical position at your company, it’s critical to have a set of interview questions that can yield valuable insights into their abilities.

This article discusses why technical interviews are essential in the hiring process and provides a comprehensive list of 25 of the best tech interview questions for uncovering a candidate’s technical proficiency and suitability for your team.

Using these questions in your interview will enhance your ability to assess candidates thoroughly and identify top tech talent for your organization.

The Importance of Conducting Technical Interviews

Technical interviews are fundamental when hiring for any technical role, from software engineers to technical virtual assistants to cybersecurity specialists.

They provide an opportunity for you to evaluate a candidate’s technical knowledge and preparedness for specific tech roles. However, they’re also a chance for interviewees to showcase their soft skills, creativity, and passion for technology, distinguishing themselves from other applicants.

Remember that the objective of a technical interview is not solely to receive correct answers but to gauge candidates’ thought processes, adaptability, and enthusiasm for the tech industry.

tech talent in an interview

Top 25 Technical Interview Questions

Here are 25 technical questions to ask in a job interview that can help you understand candidates’ motivations, skills, and fit for your company and open role. These questions span a broad spectrum of topics, from the candidate’s motivation for joining the company to their ability to handle challenging team dynamics.

1. Why do you want to work for us?

It’s vital to uncover candidates’ level of interest in your company and knowledge of your values, objectives, and offerings. This question helps you to distinguish those who are genuinely enthusiastic about becoming a part of your organization from those simply seeking any job opportunity.

2. What do you think are the most important skills for someone working in this role?

Asking this question allows you to understand a candidate’s perception of the role and to gauge if they have a balanced view of the technical and interpersonal skills required to succeed in it.

It can reveal if the candidate is aware of the most relevant technical skills, such as expertise in specific programming languages, as well as soft skills, like effective communication and problem-solving, which are vital for team collaboration and project success.

3. Do you work best alone or as part of a team?

This question aims to shed light on a candidate’s preference for working individually or collaborating with others. Instead of using their answer to judge their preferences, consider how they can effectively contribute in either setting.

That said, when posing this question, it’s important to highlight the significance of being versatile and capable of switching between independent tasks and collaborative projects.

4. What’s your favorite piece of technology, and why?

You can use this question to measure applicants’ enthusiasm and knowledge about technology. Look for answers that go beyond just naming a piece of technology. Candidates should explain why it appeals to them and how it has influenced their work or interest in the tech industry.

5. Where do you get your tech news?

Pose this question to learn if candidates use effective means to keep informed about relevant industry trends and technological advancements.

Their sources, whether they be specific tech blogs, podcasts, or social media channels, can reveal much about their professional interests and dedication to staying abreast of the tech world’s rapid evolution.

This question helps you gauge the candidate’s commitment to their field and whether they embrace continuous learning and development.

6. What unique skills will you bring to the position?

Asking about unique skills isn’t just about inventorying a candidate’s qualifications. This is your opportunity to delve into what differentiates this applicant from the pack.

Encourage them to elaborate on their distinctive technical abilities and past experiences that showcase their suitability for the role. Assess how well these skills align with the job’s demands and how they could contribute to your company’s objectives.

7. What approach would you take when dealing with a challenging technical problem?

Inquiring about a candidate’s problem-solving approach when faced with a technical challenge is crucial to understanding their logical reasoning and analytical skills. Their answer can give you insight into how they dissect complex problems, the strategies they employ to tackle issues, and their persistence in finding effective solutions.

Candidates should demonstrate their systematic approach to problem-solving, including how they identify the core issues, research and apply potential solutions, and learn from the outcomes, whether or not they are successful.

Their response can reveal their technical proficiency, resourcefulness, and ability to work under pressure, which are all valuable traits in a tech-focused role.

open book with lightbulb on top, drawings, plans, success

8. How do you keep your tech skills up to date?

It’s crucial to verify candidates’ dedication to ongoing learning and career development. Look for straightforward answers that include things like taking online classes, attending tech events, or completing coding exercises.

This question helps you understand if a candidate is proactive about staying knowledgeable and skilled in their field.

9. How do you describe a technical tool or concept to someone who isn’t very familiar with tech stuff?

Use this question to evaluate the candidate’s communication skills and ability to simplify complex concepts for non-technical individuals. This skill is crucial in the tech industry, where the candidate will often have to liaise with clients, team members, or other stakeholders who may not share the same level of technical expertise.

This situational question assesses not only the candidate’s understanding of the technology but also their proficiency in making it understandable and accessible to everyone.

10. How do you think recent changes in technology will affect your work?

In an interview, you should aim to grasp applicants’ insight into the changing landscape of technology. This question sheds light on whether the interviewee is just up to date or also thinking ahead about how new tech trends could affect the industry and your business.

This is your chance to see if they have a forward-thinking approach that will add to your team’s ability to innovate and stay adaptable in the future. Pay attention to candidates who won’t just fit in today but will also grow with the company as tech advances.

11. How do you handle tight deadlines?

Asking about a candidate’s approach to managing tight deadlines gives you a view into their organizational ability, prioritization skills, and efficiency under pressure. Encourage them to detail the methods they use to maintain focus and order during crunch times and to recount instances in which they have found efficient ways to meet challenging deadlines.

12. What is your troubleshooting process?

By asking this question, you can find out how an interviewee systematically approaches problem-solving and resolves technical issues. When evaluating the candidate’s answer, consider the following:

  • How they identify the issue
  • The methods they use to research possible solutions
  • Their approach to testing these solutions
  • The way they evaluate and communicate the results

13. How did you first learn to program, and what was the first thing you programmed?

This question is useful for evaluating candidates for technical roles like developers, software engineers, and web designers, enabling you to discover when and why the person first became interested in writing code.

By asking about their initial methods of learning programming and their earliest projects, you can get a better sense of their long-term interest in technology. It helps you see if their passion for coding is just a job to them or something they truly enjoy, which can be important for their role in your team.

Technical VA stretching after a few hours of work

14. How do you manage your work-life balance?

It’s important to know whether an applicant can maintain a healthy balance between their job and home life.

Although ensuring such a balance is the responsibility of both the employer and worker, in the often busy world of tech, your team members must know how to keep their work and personal time in check. This helps them stay happy and productive while avoiding burnout.

15. Can you share a time when you couldn’t fix a problem? What steps did you take?

By asking this behavioral question, you’re probing into not only the candidate’s ability to deal with tough situations but also their problem-solving abilities and resilience.

You want to know that they can face challenges head-on, think critically to devise solutions, and use those experiences to refine their problem-solving strategies over time.

The applicant should be honest about the difficulties they’ve faced in their previous role but also explain their methodology for overcoming obstacles and how they’ve grown professionally from these experiences.

16. Can you share a time when you led a project?

This line of questioning seeks to gauge the interviewee’s leadership skills and experience in steering projects to completion. Here’s what you should look for in their answer:

  • Examples of projects in which they assumed a leadership role
  • The obstacles they encountered and how they overcame them
  • The successful outcomes and what their leadership contributed to the project

17. What operating systems are you familiar with?

Technical professionals need to be versatile and have a breadth of experience across various platforms and systems.

This inquiry allows you to gauge whether a candidate is adaptable and comfortable working in multiple operating environments, which is critical for roles that may require cross-platform knowledge, such as UI designers and or web developers.

18. What measures do you take to ensure the security of a computer network?

Studies have shown that 82% of security breaches involve a human element, such as when an employee is tricked into giving out sensitive information in a phishing attack.

Even if you aren’t hiring specifically for a network security role, you’ll want to ask candidates to articulate their understanding of cybersecurity practices and describe the actions they would take to safeguard the network against potential threats.

This question assesses a candidate’s familiarity with security protocols and the measures they take to prevent breaches, giving you insight into whether they can maintain the integrity of your company’s digital infrastructure.

19. Why did you choose to work in this field?

Use this question to uncover applicants’ personal motivations and enthusiasm for the technology sector. Prompt them to share their story, including the pivotal moments that drew them to this field.

Pay attention to those who demonstrate that their commitment extends beyond just earning a salary and appear to have a genuine passion for the industry.

20. What kinds of tech projects do you like to work on when you have free time?

Try to find out if the candidate is truly interested in technology and keeps learning new things even when they’re not at work. Their answer to this question shows you if they love what they do enough to spend extra time on it, which can be a good sign for how they’ll do at your company.

IT talent happy while looking at her computer

21. Can you share a specific project you worked on and feel proud about?

As a follow-up to the previous question, ask the interviewee about a special project they’ve done. You want them to describe one that shows off how well they can solve problems, work with others, and use their tech skills in an innovative way.

22. Describe a time you were asked to do something new. How did you approach it, and what did you learn?

It’s important to determine whether candidates can handle new tasks and learn from them. You want to see if they’re open to working on novel projects and if they can grow from those experiences. When listening to their story, pay attention to the following:

  • The steps they took to tackle the new job
  • What they did to reach a solution
  • The new skills or knowledge they obtained from working on the project

This question helps you assess whether the candidate is good at picking up new skills and willing to learn.

23. What do you want to accomplish in the first six months of starting in this role?

Finding out what the applicant plans to achieve early on in the job will tell you a lot about their ambition and understanding of the role. You want to hear about their immediate goals, like learning how to perform certain technical tasks or finishing special projects, and see if these goals match up with your requirements.

24. How do you handle working with difficult team members on a project?

Some degree of conflict in the workplace is inevitable, with over a third of workers reporting that they deal with conflict often.

Therefore, it’s essential to check if the candidate can handle tricky situations with other people at work. Have them tell you about a time they needed to overcome conflict to complete a project and how they managed to keep things moving smoothly.

25. What questions do you have for us?

Don’t forget to give your interviewee time to ask about your company, the role, and your expectations. Those who ask thoughtful questions have likely done their research into your business and have put thought into the job.

Asking insightful questions also demonstrates genuine curiosity and interest in joining your team.

Final Thoughts

Remember that technical interviews are a critical component of your hiring strategy for any tech role. They offer a platform for candidates to display their technical abilities, soft skills, and enthusiasm for working with your company.

By asking these 25 key tech interview questions, you can thoroughly evaluate applicants’ suitability for the position and identify those who stand out as potential assets to your team.

Before you start assessing candidates, you’ll need to find qualified talent to interview. Near can connect you with a wide range of technical experts from its pool of over 35,000 professionals based in Latin America.

If you’re interested in saving 50–70% of your sourcing and screening time and making a hire in under 21 days, fill out this short form to receive a list of pre-vetted candidates suitable for your technical role.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you determine if a candidate fits well with your company culture?

To find out whether a candidate is a good fit for your company culture, clearly define your organization’s core values and goals before the interview so that you can look for these qualities in candidates.

Ask behavioral interview questions like some of those included in the list above to reveal how a candidate’s values align with your company’s. Consider discussing real scenarios that occur within your company, and ask the applicant how they would respond in those situations.

This will give you a better sense of whether a candidate will thrive in your company’s environment and contribute positively to your team’s dynamics.

What skills should you assess in a technical interview?

In the technical interview process, it’s crucial to assess a candidate’s technical knowledge. For example, if you’re interviewing applicants for a developer role, you should evaluate abilities like their coding skills, understanding of algorithms, or familiarity with your company’s tech stack.

However, you should also look for evidence of soft skills like communication, teamwork, and problem-solving to gauge their potential as a team player and cultural fit for your organization.

How can you conduct a technical interview virtually?

There are a few key steps you need to follow to effectively hold a technical interview virtually:

  1. Choose the right recruitment technology tools, including a reliable videoconferencing application that allows for clear communication. Ensure these tools work properly before the interview to avoid any disruptions.
  2. Send the candidate any necessary information in advance, such as the interview structure and any coding challenges or technical assessments they may need to prepare for.
  3. During the interview, create a comfortable atmosphere that encourages open dialogue. Begin by introducing the team members present and giving a brief overview of the company and role. For the technical assessment, use collaborative coding platforms or shared documents to observe the candidate’s problem-solving process in real time.
  4. Allocate time for the candidate to ask questions, and conclude with clear next steps.

If you’d like more support in the remote interview process, see our resources for conducting virtual interviews.

Frequently Asked Question

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