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Contractor termination letter templates

3 Independent Contractor Termination Letter Templates

Ending a working relationship with an independent contractor requires you to write an effective termination letter. Here’s how.

3 Independent Contractor Termination Letter Templates


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Hiring independent contractors provides companies with flexibility. It allows you to obtain talent on an as-needed basis without worrying about long-term strings or attachments with the employee.

You can hire and terminate whenever a project calls for it. But the latter has to be done correctly to maintain a healthy relationship with the parting contract worker. 

In this article, we’ll show you how to write an independent contractor termination letter and provide samples to guide you on making your own. Let’s get started. 

What Is a Termination Letter for Independent Contractors?

paper with termination of contract printed on it
Source: LegalMatch

A termination letter is a written communication that notifies an independent contractor that your business, the contracting party, no longer requires their services. 

It also contains information that supports the decision, outlining why their independent contractor agreement is being terminated, whether due to budget cuts, poor performance, breach of contract, etc. 

Writing an effective termination letter for your independent contractors is essential to clarify why you no longer require their services. This can lead to a positive connection after your collaboration, leaving room to partner again for future projects. 

How Is a Termination for an Independent Contractor Different From a Regular Employee?

You might already have a template for writing a contract termination letter for your permanent employees. But you can’t use those for your independent contractor. There are some differences that you need to account for. 

Employment status

Firing or terminating an independent contractor differs from firing a full-time employee. That’s because independent contractors are not employees in the first place. Instead, they are self-employed individuals who provide services to your company on a contract basis. 

Employment laws

Employees are bound by specific employment laws, which you must account for when terminating them. However, the same cannot be said for independent contractors. They’re not covered by any employment laws, meaning the termination process is governed by the agreement terms of your private contract. 

Notice period

Unless stipulated in your employment contract with the independent contractor, they are not entitled to a minimum of days' notice of termination, unlike your permanent employees. 


Independent contractors are not entitled to termination benefits, unlike regular employees. They are also responsible for filing their taxes, which means less admin matters on your end. 


You’d be relieved that less documentation is required for independent contractor termination. However, you still need one in writing to notify them that your working relationship has come to an end. 

What Sections Must Be Included in a Termination Letter for Independent Contractors?

To help you write your independent contractor termination letter effectively, here are the must-have sections to get you started. 

List of essential parts a proper termination letter should have
Source: Comeet 


Start your termination letter with a clear statement that the independent contractor’s services are no longer required. Ensure to include the date of the letter and when the termination will take effect to collect outstanding deliverables. You may want to consult a law firm or cover your legal risks when crafting this termination of employment letter in line with regional labor laws. 

Take note that it doesn’t have to be an immediate termination. Both parties can agree on a specific date, two weeks or even one month from the date you send the letter. 

Reason for termination

Then, state the reason for the termination, whether performance issues, contract breaches, compliance issues, or ongoing project completion. Be transparent here and tell them why you no longer require their services. 

Payment information

Next, talk about any outstanding payments you owe the independent contractor, including the amount and the date you will make the payment. 

If your independent contractor has hold of any company materials or property they need to give back, such as a laptop, monitor, etc., outline how and when you expect the shipment to be made. 

Contractual obligations

If any obligations or terms in your contractor agreement may apply to the termination process, you must also discuss them in the legal document. 

For example, if the independent contractor signed an NDA with your company, discuss how the termination affects that. Even if the employment relationship has ended, they are still under the obligation not to disclose anything covered by the NDA.

Contact information

Your independent contractor might have questions or concerns about the termination. In that case, provide contact information in the formal letter, preferably of a company representative or business owner who can answer any questions about the termination or payment details. 


Finally, close your letter professionally and courteously. Thank the independent contractor for their services and wish them the best in future endeavors. If the contractor had a good performance or their termination is related to their project ending, you can offer to write a recommendation letter. Here are some types of termination letters we’ll explore: 

Independent contractor holding and reading a termination of contract letter

Sample Contract Termination Letter 1


[Independent Contractor's Name]


[City, State ZIP Code]

Dear [Independent Contractor's Name],

I am writing to inform you that the services you provide to [Company Name] will no longer be required as of [Termination Date]. This decision has been made due to [Reason for Termination].

Please be advised that all outstanding payments owed to you will be processed according to the terms of our agreement. Specifically, you will receive compensation for all work completed up to the termination date, [Termination Date]. Please note that you are required to return any company property or materials in your possession by the termination date.

As a reminder, our agreement specifies that no advance notice period is required for termination. However, if you have any questions or concerns about the termination process or payment details, please do not hesitate to contact me at [Company Representative's Contact Information].

We appreciate the services you have provided to [Company Name], and we wish you the best in your future endeavors.


[Your Name]

[Your Title]

[Company Name]

Sample Letter of Termination 2


[Independent Contractor's Name]


[City, State ZIP Code]

Dear [Independent Contractor's Name],

I regret to inform you that the services you have been providing to [Company Name] will no longer be required as of [Termination Date]. This decision has been made due to [Reason for Termination], which has been a cause of concern for us.

Per our agreement, you will be paid for all work completed up to the termination date, which is [Termination Date]. Please be advised that you must return all company property or materials in your possession on or before the termination date.

We would like to remind you of the confidentiality agreement signed between us. You are required to maintain the confidentiality of all information and data that you have acquired while working for us.

If you have any questions or concerns about the termination process or payment details, please contact [Company Representative's Contact Information] at your earliest convenience.

Thank you for the services you have provided to [Company Name]. We wish you all the best in your future endeavors.


[Your Name]

[Your Title]

[Company Name]

Sample Layoff Letter Template 3


[Independent Contractor's Name]


[City, State ZIP Code]

Dear [Independent Contractor's Name],

I regret to inform you that the services you have provided to [Company Name] will no longer be required as of [Termination Date]. Although we have valued the work you have done for us, we have decided to terminate our agreement due to [Reason for Termination].

We would like to thank you for your contributions to our company during your time with us. We have appreciated your professionalism, dedication, and hard work in [specific tasks/projects completed].

Per our original agreement, we will process payment for all work completed up to the termination date, which is [Termination Date]. Please return all company property or materials in your possession by that date.

Please do not hesitate to contact [Company Representative's Contact Information] with any questions or concerns regarding the termination process or payment details.

We wish you all the best in your future endeavors and hope that you will keep in touch with us.


[Your Name]

[Your Title]

[Company Name or Business Address]


Terminating a working relationship with an independent contractor should be done formally and properly. Doing so will ensure you maintain a good connection with your contract worker even if your contract has ended. Take our tips and samples above and write an effective termination letter suited for your independent contractors. 

You should also conduct an exit interview for your independent contractors for a more seamless conclusion to your working relationship. Check out this article to learn how to do it. 

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