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Blueprint to Building Remote Marketing Team

Your Blueprint for Building a Successful Remote Marketing Team

Start building your remote marketing team with our blueprint for finding talent, defining roles, and fostering collaboration.

Your Blueprint for Building a Successful Remote Marketing Team


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The marketing landscape has undergone a dramatic shift. Gone are the days of siloed departments confined to physical offices. Today, remote work is not just a trend—it’s a strategic advantage.

However, building a high-performing remote marketing team requires a well-defined plan and the right talent. In this blog article, we’ll cover:

  • How to decide on your remote marketing team structure
  • The key roles to consider for your marketing team 
  • The compensation you can expect to pay remote marketing talent 
  • Where to find candidates for your remote marketing team
  • Tips for creating and managing your remote marketing team

How To Choose the Right Structure for Your Remote Marketing Team

The scope of marketing is vast, encompassing various branches, such as:

  • Branding
  • Media
  • Partnerships
  • Content creation
  • Growth and acquisition
  • Product development
  • Lifecycle management

The right selection of roles for your remote marketing team hinges upon your specific focus and goals.

We invite you to take this quick test to discover the ideal structure for your business.

Core Roles for Your Remote Marketing Team

A successful marketing engine requires a diverse skill set. When building your remote marketing team, choose from the following key players based on your goals. Feel free to mix and match these profiles based on your budget and organizational structure:

Brand marketing

Brand marketing team structure

Brand specialist/manager

The brand specialist is the custodian of your brand identity. They are responsible for crafting a clear, consistent message that resonates with your target audience. This involves tasks like:

  • Developing brand strategy and messaging
  • Managing brand assets like logos and brand guidelines
  • Overseeing brand storytelling and content creation

To find a brand specialist on LinkedIn, look for keywords in users’ profiles like:

  • Brand manager
  • Brand development
  • Storytelling
  • Branding

Social media strategist/community manager

Social media is a powerful tool for brand awareness and engagement. A social media manager manages your brand’s social media presence, creating engaging content, scheduling posts, and interacting with followers on platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok, and others.

Creative director/designers

For teams with a strong focus on visual storytelling, a creative director can be invaluable. They oversee the creative vision for the brand, leading graphic designers and copywriters to ensure brand consistency across all marketing materials.

Public relations specialist (optional)

If media relations and reputation management are a major focus for your business, a PR specialist can be a valuable asset. They build relationships with journalists and influencers to secure positive media coverage for your brand.


As a wordsmith who breathes life into customer lifecycle marketing campaigns, a copywriter crafts compelling and persuasive messaging that resonates with customers at each stage of their journey. Here’s a closer look at some of their key responsibilities:

  • Ad campaign copywriting
  • Tagline creation
  • Creative concept development
  • Content writing
  • UX writing

Media marketing

Media marketing team structure

Digital planner

This role can be a helpful addition to both brand and media marketing teams. A digital planner acts as the project manager for marketing campaigns, ensuring everything runs smoothly and stays on track.

Media buyer

A media buyer can buy media across offline and online channels. The media buyer negotiates advertising rates and placements with media outlets. They use their knowledge of media pricing and audience demographics to secure the best value for the campaign budget.

Paid media specialist

Reaching your target audience often involves paid advertising. A paid media specialist manages campaigns across platforms like Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and LinkedIn Ads, maximizing return on investment.

To find a paid media specialist on LinkedIn, look for keywords in users’ profiles like:

  • Google Ads
  • Linkedin Ads
  • Programmatic
  • Meta Ads
  • Analytics

Video producer

For campaigns with a heavy video component, a video producer might be needed to manage the video production process, from scriptwriting and filming to editing and post-production.

Podcast producer

This role acts as the mastermind behind the scenes, overseeing the entire lifecycle of a podcast, from conception to launch and beyond. They wear many hats, acting as a project manager, content strategist, audio engineer, and marketer all rolled into one. 

Partnership marketing

Partnership marketing team structure

Partnership manager

The partnership manager identifies potential partners, develops partnership proposals, and negotiates mutually beneficial agreements. 

They possess strong communication and negotiation skills, along with a deep understanding of the company’s marketing goals and target audience.

Partnership marketing specialist

This role provides support to the partnership manager throughout the entire partnership lifecycle. They handle tasks like researching potential partners, managing partner communication, and coordinating joint marketing initiatives.

Content marketing

Content marketing team structure

Content marketing manager

The content marketing manager oversees the entire content strategy.

They define the content goals, identify target audiences, and develop a content calendar that aligns with the overall marketing strategy. They also manage the content production process and ensure content quality and consistency.

Content strategist

This strategic thinker dives deep into audience research and competitor analysis to inform content creation. They develop content themes, formats (such as blog posts, videos, and infographics), and distribution channels to maximize reach and engagement.

Content creator

These are the wordsmiths and storytellers who bring content to life. Content creators can be writers, videographers, graphic designers, or even podcast producers, depending on your content mix. Look for individuals with a strong understanding of your brand voice and target audience.

Content editor

Ensuring content clarity, accuracy, and adherence to brand guidelines is the responsibility of the content editor. They also meticulously edit content for grammar, spelling, and flow before publication.

SEO specialist

In today’s digital world, organic search visibility is paramount. An SEO specialist optimizes your website and content to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs), driving organic traffic and leads.

When searching for SEO specialists on LinkedIn, look for the following in their profiles:

  • Tools: Semrush, Ahrefs, Google Trends, Google Search Console, SimilarWeb, Moz
  • Keywords: Search engine optimization, content creation, SEO

Growth marketing

Growth marketing team structure

Growth marketer

These are the growth marketing workhorses, executing the experiments and campaigns defined by the growth marketing manager. They have a strong understanding of various marketing channels (such as SEO, PPC, and email marketing), analytics tools, and growth hacking techniques.

Data analyst

The data analyst translates raw data into actionable insights for the team. They analyze user behavior, campaign performance, and marketing funnel metrics. This data is used to refine strategies, measure success, and identify new growth opportunities.

Marketing automation specialist

Automating repetitive marketing tasks can save time and resources. A marketing automation specialist can set up workflows for email marketing, lead nurturing, and other marketing activities.

Website designer

User experience (UX) is crucial for any marketing strategy. A website designer creates a visually appealing and user-friendly website, ensuring a smooth customer journey. Consider their expertise in website development tools and platforms.

If your business is big enough, you should also consider hiring a UX designer, front-end web developer, and graphic designer.

Key tools a website designer should know include Figma or similar UX design platforms, CMSs like Webflow, Shopify, WordPress, VTEX, and, in some special cases, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Product marketing

Product marketing team structure

Product marketing manager (PMM)

The PMM leads the product marketing team and oversees the entire product marketing strategy.

They translate complex product features into compelling messaging that resonates with target audiences. They also collaborate with various teams across the organization, including product development, sales, and marketing, to ensure product-market fit and successful launches.

Content marketing specialist (optional)

For many products, high-quality content can be instrumental in educating potential customers and driving adoption. A content marketing specialist creates engaging content like blog posts, case studies, or product demos to showcase the product’s value proposition.

Technical writer (optional)

If you’re developing complex products with a technical user base, you may need a technical writer to develop user manuals, knowledge base articles, or other technical documentation.

Market research analyst

Understanding the competitive landscape and customer needs is crucial for product success. The market research analyst gathers data on target markets, competitor analysis, and industry trends to inform product positioning and marketing strategies.

Lifecycle marketing

Lifecycle marketing team structure

Customer marketing manager

The customer marketing manager oversees the entire lifecycle marketing strategy. They define customer segments, design personalized marketing campaigns for each stage, and measure the success of lifecycle marketing initiatives.

CRM specialist

Customer relationship management (CRM) software is the backbone of lifecycle marketing. A CRM specialist ensures data accuracy within the CRM system, segments customer data for targeted campaigns, and tracks customer interactions across various touchpoints.

Email marketing specialist

Email is a powerful tool for nurturing customer relationships. The email marketing specialist crafts compelling email campaigns tailored to each stage of the customer lifecycle, from welcome emails for new customers to win-back campaigns for lapsed ones.

Compensation for Remote Marketing Roles

The ideal team composition for your company is intricately linked to your budget.

For instance, while compensation for brand and content positions is often comparable, salaries in partnership roles can vary significantly, ranging from $600 to $6,000 depending on the role’s level of seniority. (For example, a manager’s salary expectations tend to be considerably higher than an analyst’s.)

It’s also worth noting that roles in branches like media and growth command higher compensation than those in branches like content creation, lifecycle development, and product marketing.

Here are the averages of how much marketing professionals in each team and level of seniority would cost in regions like Latin America (LatAm):

Average LatAm marketing talent and seniority cost

Discover the optimal method for compensating your remote marketing team: Our top recommendation is Ontop, which is recognized as the premier choice for payroll services for marketing agencies and companies. Explore the benefits and discounts available with Ontop.

Top Countries for Remote Marketing Talent in Latin America

LatAm boasts a young, tech-savvy population with a growing pool of skilled marketing professionals, and offshoring marketing talent presents an excellent, cost-effective opportunity to expand your team. Here’s a breakdown of some top countries to consider for your remote team, along with their strengths:


Colombia is a rising star in the marketing world. Colombian professionals excel in areas like digital marketing, social media marketing, and content creation. The country also offers a competitive cost of living and a strong work ethic.


Argentina has a long-standing tradition of excellence in communication and design. You’ll find a strong talent pool in brand strategy, creative writing, and graphic design in this country.


Mexico offers a plethora of marketing professionals with experience in serving both Spanish and English-speaking audiences. Look for expertise in SEO, paid advertising, and market research.


Brazil, which has the largest economy in LatAm, provides a vast talent pool across all marketing disciplines. The country is known for its innovative spirit and strong digital marketing infrastructure.

Finding the Perfect Fit: Recruitment Strategies for Your Remote Team

Now that you know where to look, here are some tips for finding the best remote marketing talent:

Leverage online job boards

Popular platforms like LinkedIn, Glassdoor, and Indeed offer a wide range of marketing positions across LatAm. Utilize advanced search filters to target specific locations and skills.

Partner with recruitment agencies

Recruitment agencies specialize in finding qualified candidates. Partner with agencies that understand your remote work model and the LatAm marketing landscape.

As an agency that specializes in connecting companies with top talent in LatAm, Near helps global companies build their remote marketing team with the best sales and marketing talent.

Tap into professional networks

Join online communities and professional groups catering to LatAm marketing professionals. Connect with potential candidates and get referrals through these networks.

Tips on Fostering Collaboration in a Remote Team

Building a cohesive remote marketing team requires conscious effort. Here are some strategies to bridge the geographical gap:

Establish clear communication channels

Set up a robust communication platform like Slack or Microsoft Teams for real-time communication. Schedule regular video calls to maintain a sense of connection and team spirit.

Define workflows and processes

Develop clear workflows for project management and collaboration. Consider using project management tools like Asana or Trello to track progress and ensure everyone is on the same page.

Promote team-building activities

Organize virtual team-building activities to foster camaraderie and collaboration. This could be anything from online games to brainstorming sessions.

Invest in remote work tools

Provide your team with the necessary tools for success. These include project management platforms, file-sharing services, and design software specific to each team member’s role.

Final Thoughts

There are various options for building a marketing team: hiring locally, outsourcing marketing services, or opting for a remote team.

However, choosing a remote marketing team can offer distinct advantages based on your business goals and structure. It provides access to a diverse pool of talent, allows for cost-efficient team building, and fosters insights from varied backgrounds and cultures, enriching your overall strategy.

To discover top marketing talent and effectively manage remote workers’ payments, remember that Near and Ontop are here to assist you.

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