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The Complete Guide to Hiring Outsourced Email Marketers

The Complete Guide to Hiring Outsourced Email Marketers

Need to hire an outsourced email marketer? Our comprehensive guide includes a step-by-step roadmap for finding the perfect partner.

The Complete Guide to Hiring Outsourced Email Marketers


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Key Takeaways

  1. Outsourced email marketers can handle a wide range of email marketing activities, such as designing and managing email marketing campaigns, creating compelling content, and analytics and reporting.
  2. The steps for hiring these skilled professionals include defining your email marketing needs, researching providers, considering the value they offer relative to their pricing, asking them insightful questions, determining whether they fit your company culture, and negotiating the terms of the agreement.
  3. When hiring outsourced email marketers, remember to account for their level of flexibility, differences in time zones and communication ability, and potential to form a long-term business relationship.

Despite being one of the oldest forms of online advertising, email marketing is still an effective way to reach potential customers and drive sales. Welcome series, product campaigns, email newsletters, and targeted promotions are just a few ways you can use email marketing to communicate with your audience. 

But managing a successful email campaign requires time, expertise, and additional resources many companies don’t have in-house. To fill the gap, they’re turning to outsourced email marketers. 

This article will explore the capabilities of email outsourcing and some of the benefits you can expect. We’ve also created a step-by-step guide to hire an outsourced email marketer. 

What Can Outsourced Email Marketers Do for You?

There are lots of reasons why you might need to hire an outsourced email marketing specialist. From planning to execution to analysis, they can manage a wide array of email marketing tasks.

Strategic planning

An outsourced email marketer can translate your business goals into an actionable email strategy. This involves:

  • Segmentation of your audience based on their behaviors and preferences
  • Planning the email marketing calendar
  • Establishing key performance objectives

The marketer works closely with your team to ensure that the email campaigns align with your overall digital marketing strategy and brand message.

Email campaign management and design

Outsourced email marketers have the specialized expertise to design effective campaigns that resonate with your audience. 

Managing the full lifecycle of email campaigns, from ideation to launch, they also handle subscriber lists, schedule mail-outs, conduct A/B tests, and tweak campaigns for better performance.

Email content creation

Crafting the right message is at the heart of any successful email marketing campaign. Outsourced email marketers can write persuasive subject lines and body content, personalizing messages to enhance engagement and convert leads into customers. 

List building and maintenance

Outsourced email marketing experts can develop strategies to expand your email list with high-potential leads through lead magnets and opt-in forms. They can also maintain the quality of your list by periodically purging inactive or disengaged subscribers, minimizing bounce rates.

Analytics and reporting

Outsourced email marketers rigorously track campaign performance, analyze data to gain insights into customer behaviors and preferences, and iterate on strategies for better results. 

They provide detailed reports, including metrics like:

  • Open rates
  • Click-through rates
  • Conversion rates
  • Overall ROI

Analysis is essential to understand the effectiveness of your email marketing campaigns. 

Benefits of Outsourcing Email Marketing

By outsourcing external email marketers, you can enjoy several advantages:

Expertise and specialized skills

Outsourced email marketers bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table. 

They are up to date with the latest industry trends, tools, and strategies in the email marketing arena. Their specialized skills enable them to craft successful campaigns that resonate with your target audience and yield higher engagement and conversion rates.

Cost savings

Hiring a full-time, in-house email marketing team of experts can be financially burdensome, especially for SMEs. 

Outsourcing gives you access to expert services without the overhead costs associated with full-time employees. Nearshoring in regions like Latin America also comes with significantly lower salary expectations due to lower living costs. 

Time savings

Email marketing involves many time-consuming tasks, such as designing, writing, scheduling, and analyzing campaigns. Outsourcing these tasks frees up your internal team to focus on other crucial aspects of your business. This means you can devote more time to strategy, product development, and other core business activities.

Access to advanced technology

Don’t have a Mailchimp subscription? No problem. Email marketers use advanced tools and software to design, test, and track their campaigns. By outsourcing, you also get the benefits of these advanced technologies without having to invest in them yourself, which costs an average of $751 to $1,000 per month


As your business grows, so too do your email marketing campaigns. You can easily scale outsourced email marketing services to handle increased workloads or advanced campaign strategies without the need to hire more staff or invest in more internal resources.

Enhanced creativity

External email marketers often work with a variety of clients across different industries. This exposure gives them a broader perspective when it comes to creative ideas for campaigns. Your business can benefit from these fresh, innovative ideas that stand out in the crowded inboxes of your customers and drive sales.

How To Hire Outsourced Email Marketers

Outsourcing digital marketing services requires a careful and strategic approach. Follow these steps to ensure you find the best-fit services that can deliver the results you are looking for.

1. Define your needs

It seems simple, but before beginning your search, figure out what you actually want to accomplish. Define your goals, the type of campaigns you want to run (such as newsletters, product announcements, or promotions), your target audience, and any specific challenges you need help with. 

The more details you can provide, the easier it will be to find an outsourced email marketer that fits the bill. Consider the scale of your operations, the depth of services you need (full-scale campaign management versus specific services like email copywriting), and your expectations for growth and scalability.

2. Research potential agencies or independent contractors

Look through online platforms such as Upwork for freelance marketers, and search for agencies like Near with strong email marketing reputations. Check portfolios, read client testimonials, and review case studies to understand their capabilities. Create a shortlist of potential candidates who align with your business’s needs and goals.

3. Look beyond pricing (but don’t ignore it)

It’s easy to get swayed by cost, but remember that the cheapest email marketing solution isn’t always the best. It’s important to consider the value you’ll receive. Look into what is included in the pricing, such as the level of customization, the extent of reporting and analysis, and any additional services. 

At the same time, have a budget in mind and be up front about it. Transparent pricing models and flexibility to accommodate your budget are often good signs.

4. Ask the right questions to determine their expertise

Before making your decision, verify the email marketing providers’ level of expertise. Schedule interviews or calls to ask targeted questions. Ask about:

  • Their industry experience
  • Results they’ve achieved in past campaigns
  • How they stay current with email marketing trends and regulations
  • How they measure and report success
  • Email marketing tools they use
  • Examples of their work

These conversations will help you assess their level of knowledge and strategic thinking.

5. Consider cultural fit to find the right match

The right outsourced email marketer will not only have the right skills but also mesh well with your company’s culture and values. Look for signs that they understand your business ethos and can communicate effectively with your in-house team.

This is particularly important for long-term collaborations where mutual understanding and rapport are key for smooth operation.

6. Negotiate to find the right price point

Once you’ve identified an email marketing service provider that you believe checks all the boxes, it’s time to negotiate the terms of the agreement. This should include:

  • Pricing
  • Expected deliverables
  • Timelines
  • Performance benchmarks

Be clear about your expectations, but also be open to recommendations from the service provider, as they may have insights into what could make the campaigns more successful. The goal is a partnership that offers a solid return on investment for your email marketing efforts.

Things To Consider When Hiring an Outsourced Email Marketer

While the steps above set the foundation for hiring an outsourced email marketer, there are other things that can influence the success of your collaboration. 

Here are some factors that are important to keep in mind:

Communication and time zone differences

Effective communication is crucial when working with remote marketing teams. Consider the potential challenges that may arise from time zone differences. Can meetings be scheduled at convenient times for both parties? Are they responsive and clear in their communication? 

It’s important to establish expectations around response times and preferred communication channels (email, instant messaging, or video calls). 

Flexibility and adaptability

Things can change quickly. Look for an email marketer who not only has a solid plan but is also flexible enough to adapt to unforeseen changes. Your outsourcing partner should be able to pivot strategies, timelines, and campaign focuses without causing significant disruptions to your overall marketing goals.

Long-term relationship potential

Are you looking for a one-off email marketing project or a long-term partnership? Continuity tends to improve the quality of the work over time. A marketer who grows with your business will gain deeper insights into your audience and be able to offer more customized, effective strategies.

Final Thoughts

Email marketing is a powerful tool for connecting with customers and driving business growth. When you hire an outsourced email marketer, you gain access to the expertise and resources necessary to execute effective email campaigns. 

Hiring top outsourced email marketers is easy when you have the right recruitment partner. Near can connect you with skilled email marketing professionals from its pool of pre-vetted talent, allowing you to make a hire within just 21 days.

Ready to take your email marketing strategy to the next level? Book a free, no-commitment call with Near to find an experienced email marketer. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions about hiring an outsourced email marketer. 

Where can I find outsourced email marketers?

Browse freelancer platforms like Upwork and Fiverr, or work with a recruiting agency like Near with thousands of pre-vetted marketing professionals ready to work.

Can outsourced email marketers handle other marketing tasks?

Yes, many outsourced email marketers have skill sets that extend to other areas of digital marketing, such as content creation, social media management, and search engine marketing.

Can I scale outsourced email marketing services?

Absolutely. In fact, a key benefit of outsourcing is scalability. You can usually increase or decrease the level of services based on your business needs and campaign requirements.

Frequently Asked Question

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